
Accommodation fees and charges

Rent and security deposit are payable to your accommodation provider.

The provider will advise you of the amount(s) payable when accepting your place and the regular amounts payable during your stay. These payments are made directly to the provider. The provider will advise you on the method of payment.

What’s included in the cost?

  • all utilities (water, electricity, gas, etc)
  • Residential Life program
  • 24/7 staff on-site trained to provide excellent wellbeing support
  • Student Engagement and Activities Program
  • a variety of facilities as offered by providers, which may include pools, gyms, music rehearsal rooms, additional study rooms, a theatre or TV room, bike storage and more.

Melbourne Accommodation Bursary

Students eligible for the Melbourne Accommodation Bursary will receive additional payments if they reside in accommodation provided through the University.

Find out more about the Melbourne Accommodation Bursary

Need help applying?

Talk to our student support team at Stop 1. They can help answer any questions you may have about applying for University Accommodation.

Get in touch