The program is for high-achieving students in their final year of high school.

To be eligible for the Program you must:

  • Be eligible for the award of the VCE or IB* in Victoria in the year you intend to participate (including having at least one VCE Units 3 and 4 or IB equivalent enrolment during the year in which you undertake the Extension Program); and
  • Be undertaking a normal full-time VCE or IB load over Year 11 and 12. By the conclusion of your secondary studies, you must have completed a minimum of four VCE Units 3 and 4 subjects (the University strongly encourages you to have completed five VCE Units 3 and 4 subjects or equivalent IB subjects); and
  • Have at least a B+ average across non-prerequisite/non-corequisite subjects (Units 1 and 2 plus any Units 3 and 4 subjects you have already completed); and
  • Meet the prerequisite or corequisite subject requirement for the specific subject (noting that where a prerequisite is completed this must be used for selection and takes precedence over a corequisite); and
  • Satisfy the academic standard and any additional requirements of the specific subject.
  • *International Baccalaureate (IB) students are not eligible to be enrolled in the University of Melbourne Extension Program with the VCAA, and are not eligible to receive an ATAR contribution.

The below lists 2024 subject entry requirements. Final confirmation of 2025 subject entry requirements will be confirmed when applications open on 1 August 2024.

Subject VCE prerequisite/corequisite subjects required* Minimum grades across non-prerequisite/corequisite subjects^
Advanced French Completion of French 3/4 with a study score of at least 42. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Advanced German Completion of German 3/4 with a study score of at least 40. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Advanced Japanese Completion of Japanese (Second Language) 3/4 with a study score of at least 40. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Art History

One of the following:

  • completion of any History 3/4 with a study score of at least 34; or
  • completion of Art 3/4 with a study score of at least 36; or
  • enrolment in any History 3/4 after completion of History 1/2 with at least an A average; or
  • enrolment in Art 3/4 after completion of Art 1/2 with at least an A average.
At least a B+ average. An average of at least B+ is also required in subjects including essay writing (for example, Literature).
BiologyCompletion of Biology 3/4 with a study score of at least 38 and could the next column please say At least a B+ average as per the below example.  
Chemistry One of the following:
  • completion of Chemistry 3/4 and Mathematical Methods 3/4 with study scores of at least 37; or
  • enrolment in Mathematical Methods 3/4 after completion of Chemistry 3/4 with a study score of at least 37 and completion of Mathematical Methods 1/2 with at least an A average.
At least a B+ average
French Completion of French 3/4 with a study score of at least 32. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Further Advanced Japanese Completion of Japanese (Second Language) 3/4 with a study score of at least 40. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
German Completion of German 3/4 with a study score of at least 37. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Hebrew Completion of Hebrew 3/4 with a study score of at least 30. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
History and Philosophy of Science One of the following:
  • completion of any humanities and/or science 3/4 subject with a study score of at least 37; or
  • enrolment in any humanities and/or science 3/4 subject after completion of any humanities and/or science 1/2 subject with at least an A average.
Students may be concurrently enrolled in Philosophy 3/4.
At least a B+ average
Indonesian Completion of Indonesian (Second Language) 3/4 with a study score of at least 35. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Italian Completion of Italian 3/4 with a study score of at least 37. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Japanese Completion of Japanese (Second Language) 3/4 with a study score of at least 35. Applicants will also be required to complete a placement test. At least a B+ average
Literature One of the following:
  • completion of Literature 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • enrolment in Literature 3/4 after completion of Literature 1/2 with at least an A average.
At least a B+ average
Mathematics One of the following:
  • enrolment in Specialist Mathematics 3/4 and completion of Mathematical Methods 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • enrolment in Mathematical Methods 3/4 and Specialist Mathematics 3/4 after completion of Mathematical Methods 1/2 with at least an A average and General Mathematics (Specialist Mathematics orientation) 1/2 with at least a B+ average.
At least a B+ average
Philosophy One of the following:
  • completion of any humanities 3/4 subject (with an essay-writing component) with a study score of at least 37; or
  • completion of any humanities 1/2 subject (with an essay-writing component) with at least an A average.
Students may be concurrently enrolled in Philosophy 3/4.
At least a B+ average. An average of at least A is also required in essay writing subjects.
Physics One of the following:
  • completion of Physics 3/4 and Mathematical Methods 3/4 with study scores of at least 37; or
  • enrolment in Physics 3/4 and Mathematical Methods 3/4 after completion of Physics 1/2 and Mathematical Methods 1/2 with at least A averages.
A Physics Selection Test will be required for all applicants who;
a) have not achieved study scores of 37+ in both Unit 3/4 Physics and Unit 3/4 Mathematical Methods, or
b) have not completed both VCE Unit 3/4 Physics and VCE Unit 3/4 Mathematical Methods, or
c) are completing the IB Diploma.
At least a B+ average
Planet Earth and Climate Change

One of the following:

  • completion of Mathematical Methods 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • completion of Chemistry 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • completion of Environmental Science 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • completion of Geography 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • completion of Biology 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • completion of Physics 3/4 with a study score of at least 37; or
  • enrolment in Mathematical Methods 3/4 after completion of Mathematical Methods 1/2 with at least an A average; or
  • enrolment in Chemistry 3/4 after completion of Chemistry 1/2 with at least an A average; or
  • enrolment in Environmental Science 3/4 after completion of Environmental Science 1/2 with at least an A average; or
  • enrolment in Geography 3/4 after completion of Geography 1/2 with at least an A average; or
  • enrolment in Biology 3/4 after completion of Biology 1/2 with at least an A average; or
  • enrolment in Physics 3/4 after completion of Physics 1/2 with at least an A average.
At least a B+ average
Psychology One of the following:
  • completion of Psychology 3/4 with a study score of at least 38; or
  • enrolment in Psychology 3/4 after completion of Psychology 1/2 with at least an A average.
At least a B+ average

* Prerequisite units are completed prior to the commencement of the Extension Program subject area. Corequisite units may be studied at the same time as the Extension Program subject area. Prerequisite/corequisite subjects for students completing the International Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma are available upon request by emailing
^ Any completed Units 3/4 subjects (which are not prerequisites) will also be included in this calculation.

Before applying for the Extension Program, it is important that you seek permission from your school and your parent(s) or guardian(s).

Undertaking the Extension Program requires considerable commitment and you should discuss responsibilities such as your Year 12 studies, sport and part-time work with your parents/guardians and school.

Please follow the instructions on these forms carefully to ensure that your application is complete.

Find out How to apply

Have a question or want to keep in touch with us?

Register your interest for the University of Melbourne Extension Program or ask us a question.
