Bachelor of Music (Composition)

Important! Please make sure you have read the How to Apply information for this course prior to reading the audition requirements below.

You will be required to submit more than one audition if you apply for multiple majors or instruments. Please check the requirements for each major as they may differ.

AMEB examinations are not a prerequisite for entry to the Bachelor of Music, but multi-year attainment in the AMEB system of repertoire, technical work (scales, arpeggios, etc.), and theory provides strong preparation for our program.

Audition Dates

2025 Start Year Intake

All applicants are required to submit a folio audition via the supplementary application form, due Monday 21 October.

Audition requirements

Entry to the Composition Major is based on a folio audition alongside academic results (ATAR or equivalent). Applicants will be required to complete the requirements below.

Folio audition

All scored works must be submitted as .pdfs. Scores must be legibly notated (by hand or by computer) and clearly identified including a brief program note and date (year) of composition. Do not submit arrangements or pastiche. At least one recording (including electro-acoustic works) must be submitted in .mp3 format. Live recordings are encouraged where possible. MIDI realisations are acceptable provided that they are rendered as audio (mp3).

Applicants should prepare and submit:

  • a list of works composed to date, giving title, instrumentation, duration, and year of composition; and
  • a personal artistic statement; and
  • a 1-minute test piece scored and notated as specified on the supplementary application form; and
  • three other original works (only) for any medium (at least one in score format).

Personal Artistic Statement

This should be submitted in video format (approx. 90-second duration) addressing the following questions:

  • Who are your musical heroes?
  • What artistic ideals do you hold most passionately?
  • How do you view a Bachelor of Music at MCM as part of your artistic journey?
  • How do you envisage your artistic practice after graduation?

How will I be assessed?

Applicants’ folio auditions will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • artistic conception
  • musical creativity
  • technique and craft
  • sonic effectiveness
  • potential for the development of an original voice

Please note that all applicants will be ranked based on the above criteria, up to the capacity of places within the course.