Master of Creative Arts Therapy

Important! Please make sure you have read the How to Apply information for this course prior to reading the interview requirements below.

Interview dates

2025 Start Year Intake

Interviews will take place on Monday 21 - Thursday 24 October.

Interview requirements

Shortlisted applicants will be notified of how to book an interview, approximately one week after applications close.

Interviews will run for approximately 20 minutes and will be held online via Zoom Web Conferencing.

Applicants should prepare to discuss:

  • interest and motivation for undertaking the course; and
  • understanding of the profession and its literature; and
  • describe how a creative arts therapist may work in various contexts; and
  • understanding of the course structure and expectations of the program.

The Creative Arts and Music Therapy Research Unit (CAMTRU) staff are also particularly interested in your responses to the following questions:

  • Does the applicant have a sincere interest in and commitment to work as a creative arts therapist (either dance movement or drama) and the specific training that this course provides?
  • Does the applicant have sufficient prior experience and ongoing engagement in self-expression through various drama and dance movement forms?
  • Does the applicant meet the educational requirements and show the capacity to meet the academic demands of this course?
  • Does the applicant have work or volunteer experience in a related human service role, which might include the use of creative arts in community settings, or other human service-related work?

Dance Movement Therapy Specialisation

At the interview, you will be asked to discuss your video submission, your interest in the study of dance movement therapy, your understanding of the profession and of literature, and any relevant experience you bring.

You should also research information on dance movement therapy. This might include websites such as:

The DTAA has a series of books, Dance Therapy Collections 1-4 that provides a good overview of the practice of DMT in Australasia.

Drama Therapy Specialisation

At the interview, you will be asked to reflect on your video submission and thoughts and feelings about becoming a therapist. You will be asked to discuss your interest in the study of drama therapy, your understanding of the profession and of literature, and any relevant experience. You should also research information on drama therapy from prominent sites, such as:

How will I be assessed?

Your written proposal will be assessed against the following criteria by the selection panel:

  • English writing skills
  • capacity to meet the academic demands of the course
  • depth of knowledge about creative arts therapy practice, its context, and histories
  • academic writing

Your portfolio will be assessed against the following criteria by the selection panel:

  • technical and practical competence
  • imaginative and creative capacity
  • past academic achievements and/or professional experience

In the interview, shortlisted applicants will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • interest and motivation for undertaking the course
  • capacity to meet the academic demands of the course
  • ability to identify and explain the professional practice
  • ability to communicate with confidence and clarity

Please note that all applicants will be ranked based on the above criteria, up to the capacity of places within the course.

Successful applicants will be required to hold a current Working with Children Check and a current police check.