Master of Design and Production

Important! Please make sure you have read the How to Apply information for this course prior to reading the interview requirements below.

Interview dates

2025 Start Year Intake

Interviews will take place in November 2024.

Creative Task & Interview Requirements

Stage/Screen Specialisation

Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit a visual response to a brief for a prescribed text,  which will be discussed with the selection interview panel.

Graphic Design Specialisation

Shortlisted applicants will be required to submit a visual response to a brief for a prescribed text, which will be discussed with the selection interview panel.

Applicants will be required to:

  • create a visual response to the text. Through images, generate creative and considered visual ideas; and
  • write a 250-word rationale to explain the response process.

Further information about the set creative task will be emailed to each candidate invited to interview, which will also include a link to book an interview time.

Shortlisted applicants will be required to attend a 40-minute interview.

Applicants should prepare to discuss:

  • 5 to 10-minute presentation of the set creative task; and
  • portfolio of work; and
  • interest in the field of study and course.

How will I be assessed?

Applicants' Portfolio will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • Written statement and curriculum vitae
  1. English writing skills
  2. relevant previous experience and demonstrated potential for development
  3. past academic achievements and/or professional experience
  • Folio
  1. technical skills and potential for development
  2. conceptual ability and potential for development
  3. creativity and ingenuity of visual ideas

Applicants' Set Creative Task will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • imaginative and creative capacity in interpreting the text
  • creativity and ingenuity of visual ideas
  • translation of intellectual and emotional ideas into imagery
Interview (shortlisted applicants only)

Applicants' Interview will be evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • ability to communicate technical and creative ideas
  • clarity and confidence of communication
  • interest and motivation for undertaking the course
  • understanding of the course structure and expectations of the program
  • level of maturity and self-motivation required for the course

Please note that all applicants will be ranked based on the above criteria, up to the capacity of places within the course.