How to upload documents

Confused on how you can upload your documents when you apply? Read the following guide.

Login to the Course and scholarships applications portal as a current or previous student/applicant, using the username and password sent to you via email when you first applied.

Note: If you have forgotten your password you can reset it here. Do not create duplicate accounts as this can cause delays in the processing of your application.

Log in to the courses and applications portal using the username that would have been sent to your email.
Log in to the courses and applications portal using the username that would have been sent to your email

Once you have logged in to the portal, you will need to navigate to the Applications tab at the top of the screen. On this page where it displays an Application Summary - click on “Upload Documentation”. This will open a new page.

On the Applications Summary page, select upload documentation
On the Applications Summary page, select upload documentation

You will be now presented the supporting documentation page. Under Document Attachments select "Upload a new file...". This will reveal a "choose file..." button

On the supporting documentation page navigate to the Document Attachments section and select 'upload a new file
On the supporting documentation page navigate to the Document Attachments section and select 'upload a new file'

Click "Choose File" to select your file. You can add more than one file by choosing "Add Another". Once you have chosen all your files you must select "Upload File(s)" to successfully complete the process.

Choose the files from your computer to upload. Select add another if you need to upload more than one file
Choose the files from your computer to upload. Select add another if you need to upload more than one file

Note: Depending on the size of the files you are uploading and your internet connection you may want to upload one file at a time as larger files may have trouble uploading on slow internet connections.

Once you have uploaded all your documents you can click on "Return to the previous page", at the bottom of the page. You can now log out or perform other actions.

Need help uploading your documents?

Get in touch with our future student enquiries team at Stop 1.

Contact Stop 1