Transferring courses as an international student

If you're currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree at another institution

If you wish to transfer from another institution, please apply directly through our online application system. You may need to supply detailed subject information about subjects you have already completed at other institutions if you wish to be assessed for advanced standing.

If you're currently enrolled in an undergraduate degree at Melbourne

If you're an international student currently studying at the University of Melbourne and you wish to transfer to another University of Melbourne course, you must submit your transfer application via the Victorian Tertiary Admissions Centre (VTAC). Be sure that your application is finalised by the VTAC due dates.

If you're currently enrolled in a degree at Melbourne

International students who have accepted an offer from the University of Melbourne and been granted a Confirmation of Enrolment (COE) and wish to transfer providers within the first six months of their study must submit the following documents to the University:

  1. A written letter detailing the reasons behind your request to transfer to another institution and how you will benefit from the transfer.
  2. A copy of the offer letter from the other institution confirming that you have been offered an unconditional place at the institution.
  3. Written confirmation that your parent or legal guardian supports the transfer if you are under 18 years of age.
  4. Written approval for the change from the scholarship body if a sponsor is paying the tuition fees.

To find out more

Turn-around times

You'll be notified of the outcome of your request within 10 working days of submitting your request. There is no charge for a letter of release.

  • Successful outcome: Students will be informed that the University has approved the request to transfer to another institution, the Department of Home Affairs will be informed and their University of Melbourne COE cancelled. The student must be advised that they will need to contact the Department of Home Affairs to seek advice on whether a new student visa is required.
  • Unsuccessful outcome: Students will be informed of the reasons for this decision and informed that they may freely transfer between institutions after six months. Students can appeal the decision in writing in accordance with the University's Student Complaints and Grievances policy.

International students who are currently enrolled in another degree and wish to transfer will need a letter of release.

Please see our International student transfer policy for more details.

Get support

If you need help transferring courses and understanding your study options, get in touch with our student support team at Stop 1. They can step you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

Contact Stop 1