Bachelor of Music (Interactive Composition)

Important! Please make sure you have read the How to Apply information for this course prior to reading the audition requirements below.

You will be required to submit more than one audition if you apply for multiple majors or instruments. Please check the requirements for each major as they may differ.

AMEB examinations are not a prerequisite for entry to the Bachelor of Music, but multi-year attainment in the AMEB system of repertoire, technical work (scales, arpeggios, etc.), and theory provides strong preparation for our program.

Audition dates

2025 Start Year Intake

All applicants are required to submit a folio audition, a set creative task and a performance audition via the supplementary application form due Monday 21 October.

Audition requirements

Entry to the Interactive Composition Major is based on a folio audition, a set creative task, and a performance audition. Applicants will be required to complete the requirements below.

Folio audition

Applicants will be required to demonstrate their creative skills as interactive composers by undertaking the following tasks in the supplementary application form.

Applicants should prepare and submit:

  • 3-4 original audio and/or audio-visual recordings of compositions, as either full works or sections of works, no more than 8 minutes in total.

You must include at least one example of music work for other media such as music for film, animation, gaming, interactive media, theatre, dance, visual art, and lighting design.

You may include original music from any source such as pop songs, concert music, band music, film music, laptop performance, electronic performance (such as EDM or hip-hop genres), music theatre, music for dance, or other media such as games, advertising, and web use.

Your folio should contain a notated music score of at least one of your original works.

Set creative task

Applicants should prepare and:

  • complete an interactive composition creative task available to you within the supplementary application form.

Your response can be verbally recorded and uploaded via the supplementary form.

Performance audition

Applicants should prepare and:

  • upload one video recording of you performing one of your own works (no edits) of 2-3 minutes duration.

Your work may be instrumental, vocal, and/or electronic, such as an EDM interface/laptop performance.

It is not an expectation that you access or purchase additional recording equipment beyond a basic smartphone, iPad, or laptop/desktop device. For smartphones, many recent models already have very good microphones built-in.

How will I be assessed?

Applicants’ folio auditions will be evaluated according to:

  • the level of music and sound craft, creativity and technique, within an interactive composition context

Applicants’ set creative task will be evaluated on a:

  • demonstrated ability to find creative music and sound solutions with other media.

Applicants’ performance auditions will be evaluated on a:

  • demonstrated ability as a performer of original music
  • practical understanding of contemporary performance
  • level of ability as a performer.

Please note that all applicants will be ranked based on the above criteria, up to the capacity of places within the course.