Indicative course fees for 2024

The fees below provide an estimate of the course tuition fees for international students commencing an undergraduate course in Semester 1, 2024. As far as possible, the fees provided in this table show the typical tuition fees that a student enrolled in each undergraduate course will pay for the first year of the course in 2024. As a guide, a typical total course fee is also shown.

For most courses the typical tuition fees are based on subject enrolments normally undertaken by students in the course and reflect the discipline band of the subjects comprising the degree. For some degrees, a typical fee range is shown due to the wide range of variables that may affect the course structure and subjects taken.

Indicative course fees for bachelor degrees for 2024

Course type Course name Duration (EFTSL) CRICOS code2024 Typical course fee ($AUD/EFTSL) Typical total course fee ($AUD)
Bachelor degrees Bachelor of Agriculture 3 037228G $48 824 - $48 824 $150 472 - $154 876
Bachelor of Arts 3 002167E $39 080 - $44 868 $123 264 - $141 504
Bachelor of Biomedicine 3 058838G $50 040- $52 488 $143 936 - $166 640
Bachelor of Commerce 3 002143B $47 664 - $51 008 $150 216 - $160 812
Bachelor of Design 3 090744C $39 528- $51 872 $144 352 - $163 728
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting) 3 094861K $34 880 $110 016
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Animation)3093582C$55 544$175 144
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Dance)3093583B$34 880$110 016
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Film and Television)3093583B$55 544$178 396
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Music Theatre)3093585M$34 880$110 016
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design and Production)3093586K$34 880$110 016
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Screenwriting)3093587J$34 880$110 016
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Theatre)3093589G$34 880$110 016
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Visual Arts)3093589G$34 880$110 016
Bachelor of Music 3 058837J $35 864 - $38 400 $112 056 - $121 204
Bachelor of Oral Health 3 053176D $70 752 $231 432
Bachelor of Science 3 002153M $48 544 - $53 016 $154 796 - $193 888
Concurrent diplomas Diploma in Computing 1  $53 248

These diplomas are studied on a part-time basis concurrently  to a main degree enrolment (usually a bachelors degree). The 1 EFTSL duration shown is usually completed over three to four years. Please note that new enrolment in concurrent diplomas is not available to student visa holders from semester 2 2024.

Diploma in Informatics1069831B$53 248
Diploma in Languages 1 065143C $39 168
Diploma in Mathematical Sciences 1 069829G $52 256
Diploma in Music (Practical) 1 022054D $34 880

Indicative course fees for Honours and equivalent courses in 2024

Course type Course name Duration (EFTSL) CRICOS code2023 Typical course fee ($AUD/EFTSL) Typical total course fee ($AUD)
Honours and equivalents Bachelor of Agriculture (Honours) 1 037229G $46 976 $46 976
Bachelor of Arts (Honours) 1 009645A $39 168$39 168
For Bachelor of Arts (Honours) with studies in Psychology 1053178B$49 792$49 792
Bachelor of Biomedicine (Honours) 1 073113J $56  180.48 $56  180.48
Bachelor of Commerce (Honours) 1 014798G $50 528 $50 528
Bachelor of Fine Arts (Honours) 1 029294J $34 880 -  $58 496 $34 880 -  $58 496
Bachelor of Music (Honours) 1 060219F $34 880 $34 880
Bachelor of Oral Health (Honours)1097031B$54 368$54 368
Bachelor of Science (Honours)1014791D$54 368$54 368
For Bachelor of Science (Honours) with studies in psychology 1 053177C $49 792 $49 792

Please note that:

  • The fees provided are indicative only and may vary depending on the number of subjects undertaken, their credit point value and the discipline band for each subject undertaken during your enrolment. Actual tuition fees payable may vary and will be the sum of the fees for all subjects in which you enrol.
  • The 2024 typical course fee shown provides an estimate of the tuition fees for the first year of the course. This estimate assumes a full-time study load, commencing Semester 1, and is for 2024 only. If, for example, you complete a subject sequence in one year that is more than one EFTSL you fee liability will increase.
  • The typical total course fee shown provides an estimate of the tuition fees for the whole course. This estimate is based on typical subject enrolments in each year of the course, with indexation of the 2024 international undergraduate subject fees at five per cent per annum for every additional year of study after 2024. The amount shown assumes students complete no more than the course duration indicated.