Small town, big dreams: How Narrm Scholar Crystal is writing her own story

"My experience so far as a Narrm Scholar has been life changing. This program has helped me succeed in my studies and make my forever friends."

When she was in Year 12, Crystal travelled all the way from Mission Beach in Far North Queensland to attend Open Day at the University of Melbourne. She arrived on campus three hours before the event officially began and left only when the last of the sessions wrapped. Before she boarded her plane home, she knew Melbourne was the place for her.

“I loved the city, and the Parkville campus was beautiful. The students and staff were so lovely. I was also amazed by the number of resources and opportunities available.”

It was at Open Day where Crystal discovered more about Access Melbourne, the University’s special entry scheme that supports students who have faced unique circumstances to gain entry into their preferred undergraduate course.

Crystal, whose favourite subjects in high school were English and Psychology, was naturally drawn to the Bachelor of Arts while also harbouring a desire to study law at graduate level.

Settling into university life

Moving from a small coastal town thousands of kilometres away to a big city like Melbourne was a daunting prospect, but it was made all the easier, Crystal says, by a Narrm Scholarship.

The yearly living allowance takes away the burden of finances and helped me to get accommodation when I moved here. It's a big weight off my shoulders, and a relief knowing that I can focus entirely on achieving the grades that I expect of myself.”

Along with her fellow Narrm Scholars, Crystal was invited to a weekend-long camp at the Parkville campus ahead of Orientation Week. It was here that she got to meet students with similar stories to her own.

“The camp was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. It was filled with so many activities and opportunities to meet people and feel comfortable at the University before starting the semester. I made so many friends on the camp who I am still friends with now. Overall, I cannot write in words the happiness that the camp brought me and everyone there.

Thanks to regular catch ups organised through the program, Crystal has been able to stay connected to other Narrm Scholars, share her experiences and turn to them for support and advice.

“There was recently a themed party that was super fun. We ensure regular hangouts take place outside of uni as well as studying together in various places around campus. These activities just take away the stresses of study.”

Laying the foundations for a career with impact

Crystal has already selected her major in Philosophy and has firmed up her plans to continue onto the Melbourne Juris Doctor. This distinctive study approach, available through the Melbourne curriculum – where students combine an undergraduate course with a specialised graduate degree – will equip Crystal with a higher level of qualification than a traditional double degree.

Throughout their undergraduate studies, all Narrm Scholars have access to a range of tailored enrichment support to nurture their academic potential and professional connections. From essay writing to academic referencing, crafting a resume and networking at career events, Cystal has been able to build knowledge and skills that will prepare her for life beyond graduation.

“The program has significantly helped my academic development. It has provided me with the support and resources necessary for me to excel in my studies. The scholarship also helps greatly by taking the pressure off needing a job while studying, and allowing me to concentrate on my studies and aim for excellence.”

Though she’s only in her first year, Crystal is eagerly looking ahead at the opportunities that await in years two and three, and beyond.

“If I had to pick one thing I’m most excited about, it would be the satisfaction of being accepted into Melbourne Law School. I am also looking forward to an exchange trip which I plan to do in my second year, hopefully to Canada. The University’s exchange program is amazing and offers so many available partnering institutions around the world.”

A glimpse into studying and living in Melbourne

Part of starting at university, Crystal has discovered, is figuring out what study approach works best for you – including what items to have nearby, how to ward off disruptions, and even choosing a preferred fragrance.

“I wear a spray of a particular perfume only when studying, so that when the exam comes, I can spray the perfume to assist with retrieval of information.

“I prefer clean space with all my stationery and equipment on the desk. I find having a glass of water or a water bottle with you while you’re studying means you won’t have to get up when you’re thirsty and interrupt the study flow.

“I also set time limits on my social apps to ensure that I am using my time wisely during the day and studying without the distraction of my phone.” 

Ever since that first trip to Melbourne for Open Day, Crystal has held the city close to her heart. Whenever she’s not in class or on campus studying, you’ll likely find her wandering the bustling streets in search of a favourite new cafĂ©, bar or bookshop.

“I love the coffee and the beautiful architecture in Melbourne. My ideal day in Melbourne would be grabbing a coffee, heading to the University for my classes and then finding a lovely place, like one of the stunning parks, to read a book and relax. I would then go out for dinner at any of the city’s amazing restaurants. One of the best parts about living in Melbourne is that there is everything here, from restaurants to parks, bars to libraries.”

Crystal’s advice for anyone wanting to follow in her footsteps? 

“The advice that I would give anyone wanting to study at Melbourne who’s coming from a regional area, whether it's in Victoria or from interstate, would be to just do it. It might seem challenging, but it’s one of the best things you'll do. You get to meet so many people and have so many great opportunities. Oh and experience Open Day if you can – because that really gives you a feel for the University and for city life before you make that big jump.”

Are you a future Narrm Scholar?

The Narrm Scholarship Program provides financial, academic and wellbeing support to eligible undergraduate students who apply through our Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS), Access Melbourne.

See how, like Crystal, you could be empowered to thrive at Melbourne and beyond. Explore the eligibility criteria and full range of benefits available.

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