How Narrm Scholar Thomas found a new place to call home

"The Narrm Scholarship offer was a sign that the University saw me and valued me. And it gave me confidence that I would be taken care of at Melbourne."

Even before his final years of high school, Thomas knew he wanted to study at university. A keen learner with diverse passions – from musical theatre to student leadership – it was ultimately his love of VCE English and English Language that crystallised his desire to pursue a degree in arts.

Thomas quickly set his sights on the Bachelor of Arts at the University of Melbourne. He was particularly drawn to the flexible degree structure, offering a choice of more than 40 study areas spanning languages, psychology, history, politics, economics, media and more.

“I wanted to be around people who really wanted to be there, who really wanted to learn... I chose the Bachelor of Arts, feeling confident that I could take my time and figure out what I wanted to do.”

Finding an instant connection on campus

After being accepted into the Narrm Scholarship Program, Thomas admits he was a little anxious about his first few days.

“I think my biggest fear was that everyone would be very focused on themselves, very much in head-down study mode. But I was so surprised that that wasn't the case at all. Everyone was so enthusiastic to introduce themselves and make friends.”

Before Semester 1 begins, all commencing Narrm Scholars are invited to the Parkville campus for a weekend stay where they can meet their peers, familiarise themselves with the learning facilities and wider surroundings, and seek support in preparing for their studies.

“The pre-orientation camp was unforgettable,” says Thomas. “There were so many fun activities on offer, including an immersive tour around the city and a massive costume party. I’d recommend any future Narrm Scholar attend if they can – not only for the entertainment but getting to meet so many people. Everyone was so friendly and enthusiastic, and many students I met on that camp are still my friends to this day.”

From that starting point, Thomas says the program has continued to help him build close ties with his fellow scholars. There are many scheduled social catch ups throughout each semester, as well as the opportunity to form study groups to lean on each other for upcoming exams and assignments.

“Narrm Scholars stick together! Being part of the program gives us a network of people who can empathise with our experiences and offer us support when needed. And it’s great to walk into a class and see a Narrm Scholar you recognise.” 

Being able to fully embrace university life

The Narrm Scholarship provides a yearly living allowance of $6500 to help students settle into life at Melbourne. For Thomas, this has alleviated concerns over the costs of commuting to his classes, and helped him focus more on his studies and extracurricular pursuits.

The student clubs and societies have been a notable highlight for Thomas, offering further avenues to explore his interests and connect with students from across the University.

“My favourite is the UniMelb Swifties’ Society. It’s a really fun cohort of people, and they plan awesome events like themed pub nights and a gala at the Old Melbourne Gaol. Shoutouts to the Bubble Tea Society for always providing free bubble tea, and Melbourne University Japanese Club who put on events every single week for people to get together.”

Every Narrm Scholar also has access to tailored enrichment support throughout their degree, which includes academic development resources and career advice. These services have helped Thomas build crucial skills that he can apply both in and outside the classroom.

“I’ve been able to speak with older students who are well into or have almost finished their degrees. These students have given great advice on things like how to communicate with academics and the process for getting extensions or special consideration [for assessments]. Getting this information from a fellow student rather than just a subject guide has been very valuable throughout my time at the University.”

Creating opportunities to discover different paths

As to his study plans for future semesters, Thomas believes he will major in Media and Communications, as he is eager to improve his journalism skills and media literacy. But he also wants to keep his options open, in case there are other arts pathways that might lead to new career possibilities. He thinks he’ll use breadth subjects – a key feature of the Melbourne curriculum – to study music as a way of keeping that particular passion alive while getting to experience the Southbank campus.

As a Narrm Scholar, Thomas has also been able to strengthen his involvement in student leadership, give back to the University community and inspire future students by securing a role as Student Ambassador – an opportunity he admits might not have otherwise presented itself.

“I might not have felt confident to apply for the role without the help of the program. We were invited to presentations by the Careers and Employability team who are great at helping students apply for jobs. They enabled me to perfect my resume and prepared me for the assessment centre. I am proud to now be helping give campus tours to future students and families.”

His advice for Year 12 students in Australia interested in becoming a Narrm Scholar?

“If you think that you're eligible for a scholarship, don't be afraid to put yourself out there – you're automatically considered when you apply through Access Melbourne.

“I feel very supported and if I ever need help, I have people to turn to. The program has given me so many amazing friends, and because of it I feel like the University of Melbourne is home.”

Are you a future Narrm Scholar?

The Narrm Scholarship Program provides financial, academic and wellbeing support to eligible undergraduate students who apply through our Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS), Access Melbourne.

See how, like Thomas, you could be empowered to thrive at Melbourne and beyond. Explore the eligibility criteria and full range of benefits available.

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