Three students sitting on a bench and looking at a report together

Study arts, humanities and social sciences

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The Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences offers you an opportunity to extend your knowledge and professional skills to support a rewarding career. With a wide variety of areas to specialise in, you'll reap the benefits of innovative teaching and award-winning research.
You'll learn in an inspiring environment that promotes critical and creative thinking and equips you with the tools to become a global thinker and leader.

Develop the skills you need to tackle contemporary leadership challenges. This world-first graduate degree draws together the practical skills needed for effective career development and the creative and critical thinking strengths from the humanities.

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Gain superior knowledge and a firm skill base to pursue management careers in the arts and cultural sector. Develop your transferable skills to traverse a broad range of art form contexts, including film, theatre, dance, music, and the visual arts.

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This comprehensive program incorporates theoretical, historical, and practical study units that focus on the changing role of art museums and arts organisations in collecting, interpreting and exhibiting art.

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Take advantage of our unique position as a laboratory-based inter-disciplinary program and work with senior heritage professionals and conservators to preserve art and objects for future generations.

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Unearth and connect the shared skills between writer, editor and publisher.  This program gives you a globally recognised, vocationally viable qualification designed with the changing nature of the publishing industry in mind.

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This dynamic Masters course provides you with key insights into the changing transnational contexts of media structures and communication practices and trains you in critical analysis, strategic thinking and audience research skills. You also receive hands-on training in media writing skills and audio-visual production.

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Combine key skills - news gathering and news writing, video, audio, digital and social media production - with an international outlook on how different media operate in different cultures and markets.

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Become a journalist of the future. Designed by leading academics and practitioners in news media, you'll build the skills you need to redefine your profession.

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Be part of the merging sectors of marketing and communication by cultivating your future as a professional. Arm yourself with disciplinary-specific knowledge and interdisciplinary expertise that gives you the adaptive capabilities to thrive in this ever-changing profession.

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Join and contribute to an industry that’s successfully orienting itself around the challenge of digital media. Gain the transferable skills you need to build your publishing career, including editorial, marketing, copywriting, commissioning, business, and production skills for print and digital media.

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Gain a theoretical and practical foundation for a career in the growing field of  Applied Linguistics. This program brings a research component to your existing knowledge so that you will graduate with a competitive edge in language teaching, language assessment and language program evaluation.

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Deepen your understanding of one of the world’s key players and its enormous global influence. In this vibrant interdisciplinary program, you’ll study the people, environment, cultures, society, politics and economy of contemporary China. You’ll learn from China specialists and access professional opportunities, opening up new options for your next move in your career or research.

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Study the latest theoretical and practical advances in criminology from international crimes – like terrorism and genocide – to local issues – like Indigenous justice and injustice. You'll broaden your knowledge through core subjects focusing on international crime and justice, terrorism, criminal justice research and evaluation, and criminological theory and practice.

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Receive specialist training in the fields of development and environment, development and gender, development and urbanisation, and health policy and development. Refine your transferable skills in critical analysis, communication, cross-cultural understanding, research methods, project design, project management and teamwork.

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Learn how the United States, China, the European Union, and the United Nations operate in our global community and acquire knowledge of key developments within international relations. This degree engages with theory, international governance and law, international security, international political economy, and international history.

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Learn to lead with confidence and tackle contemporary development challenges collaboratively to drive real change. Two world-class institutions, the University of Melbourne and the University of Manchester have developed this fully online Masters program focused on the practical skills, global connections and collaborative outlook needed to make a real difference in the development world.

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Refine a high-level analytic skill-set that meets the demands of complex public policy-making. Use the theoretical and analytical perspectives and debates you learn in public policy, governance, and management to generate an understanding of the institutions, processes and practices of contemporary government and policy.

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Understand the respective roles of government, private and not-for-profit sectors in meeting the needs of citizens. Critique the key developments in social policy through a global lens, to find ethically sustainable solutions, while considering the competing factors of social policy and the economy.

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This degree is aimed at Chinese-English bilinguals who intend to work as professional translators and interpreters in professional roles that demand high-level translation, interpreting and intercultural skills.

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  • Australia's #1 University for arts, humanities and social sciences
  • Flexible, practical study options with strong connections to industry and work experience
  • Forward-thinking programs designed to meet the challenges and changes of the sector and equip you to succeed into the future

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Find out more about our graduate degrees and get support with your application. Speak to our expert staff online, via phone or at an upcoming event. You can also register to learn more about your course options and opportunities via email.