Tuition fees
Australian fee place
If you’re enrolling in an Australian fee place, tuition fees are calculated based on your course and study load per semester. Graduate students who commenced prior to 2025 in graduate courses offered by the Office of Environmental Programs will continue to pay tuition fee based on the subjects they choose to study.
It's also important you read and understand the University's current tuition fee terms and conditions before accepting your offer and enrolling in a degree.
Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP)
Commonwealth Supported Place tuition fees are subsidised by the Australian Government. You pay a student contribution amount determined each year by the Australian Government and the subjects you enrol in, not the overall course you're studying.
To calculate your fee contribution amounts, you'll need to know the credit points for each subject you're studying and the total number of credit points needed to complete the course.
To find out annual CSP student contribution amounts, see student contribution amounts
How will the Australian Government’s Job-ready Graduates Package affect my Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) fees?
From 1 January 2022, additional eligibility requirements were introduced for accessing Commonwealth Supported Places and HELP loans.
Students commencing a course of study for the first time
From 1 January 2021, all students who are commencing a course of study on a Commonwealth Supported Place will pay the current student contribution amounts.
From 1 January 2022:
- All students studying in a Commonwealth Supported Place (CSP) will be entitled to undertake seven years of full-time study or part time equivalent of Commonwealth supported study at any Higher Education Institution. This is referred to as your Student Learning Entitlement (SLE). Additional SLE are available in some instances. If you expend your SLE entitlement, you will no longer be eligible for a CSP and may need to transfer to a Full-Fee Paying place for the remainder of your study.
Students changing to a new course of study from 2021 onwards
If you are commencing a new course of study from 2021 onwards, you will pay the current student contribution amounts. This includes students who have completed an undergraduate degree and are commencing a graduate course. It also includes students who are part way through a course but are changing to a different course from 2021 onwards, or students who are transferring from one institution to another.
There are a small number of exceptions to this. For example, if you completed a course of study before 1 January 2021 as a Commonwealth Supported student and you subsequently go on to study a related honours course, the grandfathering arrangements will apply to you.
Australian Government Research Training Program places
If you decide to do a Graduate research degree, you may be eligible for an Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) place. These places are fully funded by the Australian Government.
For more information, go to Graduate research degrees - Fees and payments
Student Services and Amenities Fee
You'll also need to pay a Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) that goes towards providing you with essential services and support when you study. The amount you're charged will depend on whether you're a full-time or part-time student.
If your study load is less than 75% of the normal full-time study load, you'll be charged as a part-time student. If this changes to a full-time load your SSAF charge will be recalculated.
Other expenses
You also need to factor in additional expenses associated with your course, including the cost of textbooks, equipment, technology, resources for special projects and excursions. There will also be additional costs living in Melbourne, including accommodation, food, weekly bills, transport, social activities and club memberships.
Tuition fees
Tuition fees are charged yearly and you pay tuition fees according to your specific enrolment in any given semester.
Commonwealth Supported Place
If you're on a Commonwealth Supported Place, you can pay your course fees upfront when you enrol or defer part or all payment through HECS-HELP, a government loan scheme that helps eligible students pay all or part of your student contribution amount.
Australian fee place
If you're enrolled as an Australian fee paying student, you can pay your course fees up front when you enrol or defer part or all payment through FEE-HELP, a loan scheme that helps eligible students pay all or part of your tuition fees.
There are loan limits for HECS-HELP and FEE-HELP loans as well as lower income thresholds for loan repayments. To find out more see Study Assist HECS-HELP
SSAF fee
You can also pay your Student Services and Amenities Fee up front.
You can pay from your student account or if you're eligible you can defer payment of the SSAF by applying for SA-HELP assistance.
Up-front payments
If you want to pay any fees up front, you can pay online or over the phone using BPAY®. To find out how, login to your student account, view your Statement of Liability and follow the instruction on how to pay.
Unpaid fees and refunds
If your fees remain unpaid, your enrolment will be cancelled and you'll need to reapply for entry into the course. You'll remain liable for any outstanding debt. There are some circumstances you may be able to request a refund.
To find out what these are, see Section 3: Refund Policy – terms and conditions
Funding your studies
There are financial loans, scholarships and bursaries that can help you pay your student fees and other living expenses.
Financial aid
To help with the cost of living while you study, you may be eligible for Australian Government financial aid, including Youth Allowance, Austudy or Abstudy. To find out how these could help your situation, visit the DHS – Centrelink payments and services
Financial Aid provides advice on student loans and hardship grants and can connect you to other student support services.
See Financial aid
Tax deduction on your fees
If your course is closely related to your current employment, you may be able to claim a tax deduction for the cost of your tuition fees.
To find out how to claim this, talk to your accountant or the Australian Taxation Office.
Scholarships and bursaries
We also offer a range of scholarships and bursaries to help with tuition and living costs while you're at Melbourne.
Some scholarships cover part or all of your course fees. Others are one-off grants to help with the cost of living while you study. Faculties and Graduate Schools also offer a number of other scholarships and bursaries.