Narrm Scholar Efraimia on finding support and a sense of belonging

"I feel heard, acknowledged and embraced, which gives me hope for the future that I am not alone on this journey."

Growing up, Efraimia was both outdoorsy and creative, which led to dual curiosities for the natural world and for thinking outside the box. It was little wonder then that her ideal future study path lay in science.

Taking subjects like Health and Human Development and Psychology in high school only affirmed her desire to better understand human behaviour.

“I am passionate about helping others become the best version of themselves, believing that with support and encouragement, we can overcome life's challenges.”

Efraimia first heard about the Narrm Scholarship Program from her high school careers counsellor, and was encouraged to apply through Access Melbourne, the University’s special entry scheme.

“As a student,” she says, “you're on this new chapter, and you just want any support in every way – academically, socially, emotionally. And that was just so enticing.”

The more she discovered about what was available to Narrm Scholars, the more keenly Efraimia felt that the University of Melbourne – and its Bachelor of Science – was the right path for her.

“I chose Melbourne because I sensed a genuine warmth and sense of community here. The University embraces its students, making them feel part of a larger, supportive network that helps them reach their full potential.

Creating connections with her fellow scholars

Having been surrounded, all her life, by nurturing family and friends, Efraimia was looking to form similarly close bonds at university. Through the pre-orientation camp for Narrm Scholars, which takes place the weekend before the academic year begins, she got to meet other students starting in the program from all over Australia.

“The camp was memorable and uplifting, offering such comfort and support during our transition into university life. The diverse range of activities helped us immerse ourselves in the experience and fostered a strong sense of belonging while building new connections.”

These connections have only strengthened throughout her studies, courtesy of the program’s many events scheduled throughout the year, from casual catchups and group study sessions to end-of-semester parties.

“We support one another and offer encouragement to pursue our passions. We celebrate each other's successes and offer a listening ear. I feel fortunate to be a part of such a supportive network that consistently provides ongoing support in various ways.”

At Melbourne there are also so many opportunities for students to get involved in life beyond the classroom – from student clubs and societies, peer mentoring, sports and recreation, and more. Efraimia was quick to join the Science Students Society and has even become a Student Ambassador.

“As an Ambassador, I have the opportunity to provide an insight to prospective students about university life and my personal journey transitioning into tertiary studies. I also lead campus tours and student panels. It is such a wonderful experience to contribute and give back to the University.”

Peace of mind to focus on her studies

Efraimia asserts that the financial assistance offered through the Narrm Scholarship – a yearly living allowance of $6500 (with regional students eligible for an additional one-off $3000 relocation allowance) – has helped enormously in terms of settling into student life.

“This support has allowed me to concentrate on my degree by alleviating financial stress and any concerns that arise. The allowance has positively influenced my academic performance, social interactions and mental health.”

On top of the living allowance, Narrm Scholars can also participate in a tailored enrichment program designed to nurture their academic potential and strengthen their professional connections. For Efraimia this has helped her build confidence in her abilities to complete her subjects and assessments, while holding her in good stead for the future.

“It has enabled me to approach complex topics with greater ease and clarity. The skills I've developed have enhanced my ability to tackle assignments and manage class content more effectively. Overall, the program has equipped me with valuable life skills that benefit both my academic and personal growth.”

Adapting to the realities of university life

Adjusting from high school to university has not come without its challenges, Efraimia contends.

“While it was initially a little overwhelming, I have managed to balance my social and personal activities effectively. Maintaining a steady pace and a positive mindset has helped me stay present and avoid feeling overwhelmed by challenges.”

Finding a study routine that works has been key. Efraimia keeps her study sessions within focused yet flexible timeframes and ensures she takes regular breaks.

“I make sure to allow myself restful downtime, doing the things that I enjoy and that bring me comfort and peace to ensure I have a clear mindset when tending to my studies. I like to colour code when using my diary, which helps me stay organised and allocate time for studying while juggling work and other commitments.”

Keeping a keen eye on the future

During her time at Melbourne Efraimia has loved engaging in discussions with others who share her passions – and is excited for what her future studies will bring.

She plans to major in Psychology while pursuing other interests through breadth subjects – those outside her core area of study, and a key attribute of the Melbourne curriculum. Breadth subjects have allowed Efraimia to gain exposure to other disciplines and interact with a wider group of students from across the University.

“Being able to delve into the variety of subjects in commerce as well as dance has certainly ignited other interests in me.”

She’s also looking to embark on a study exchange at some point, to broaden her perspective, indulge in other cultures and expand her personal and professional networks.

“I am committed to making the most of my time at Melbourne, confident that it will allow me to thrive and create memorable experiences.”

Are you a future Narrm Scholar?

The Narrm Scholarship Program provides financial, academic and wellbeing support to eligible undergraduate students who apply through our Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS), Access Melbourne.

See how, like Efraimia, you could be empowered to thrive at Melbourne and beyond. Explore the eligibility criteria and full range of benefits available.

Find out more

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