Accept your offer
If your offer is conditional, you'll need to meet the conditions of your offer before accepting it. Once you have the documentation to meet your offer condition you can upload the documentation directly into your application. Instructions on how to upload your documentation can be found here.
If you have been sent an unconditional offer, you can choose to accept it online immediately.
To accept your offer online, you will need to complete and submit your Student Acceptance and Payment Agreement, where you will pay your tuition fee deposit and Overseas Student Health Cover payment. After your acceptance agreement and payment has been processed you will receive a Confirmation of Enrolment (CoE) from the University. You will need your CoE to apply for your student visa.
Accept and Get started at Melbourne
How to defer your offer
If you're offered a place in a graduate coursework degree you can apply to defer the commencement of your studies. If you want to defer your offer, you'll need to submit a deferral application online by the census date or course fees will apply to you.
Information on how to defer your offer, the University's deferral policy and which courses will accept applications to defer are all found on the Get Started at Melbourne website.
Declining your offer
If you've received an offer for a place at Melbourne and decided not to accept, you'll need to decline your offer. Alternatively, you can choose to defer your offer, if you think you might change your mind later on.
If your offer is unsuccessful
If you don't receive an offer, it means that you have not met the minimum entry standards or scores required. If you're not happy with the outcome, you can ask for feedback on your application. You can also ask about additional study options to increase your chances of getting into a degree in the future.
Enrol with Melbourne
If you've already completed a Melbourne undergraduate degree, you can enrol in your new course from your current student account.
If you're a new student, to enrol with Melbourne go to Get Started at Melbourne.
Here you can create a student account, apply for a student card, plan your course, apply for subjects, order your student card, find out about orientation day and more.
Read our Terms and Conditions for International Students before completing your enrolment. Once you enrol, you'll be bound by our fees policy and are agreeing to pay tuition fees for every semester that you're enrolled in.
Apply for Advanced Standing
After you enrol you may be able to transfer any recognised prior learning credits by applying for Advanced Standing.
If credit is granted, this can reduce the number of subjects you need to complete in your degree.
To find out more, see Advanced Standing
Transfer courses
If you want to transfer courses from another institute or within Melbourne, see Transferring courses as an International student