Narrm Scholarship Program

Find a place where you belong and can thrive

What is the Narrm Scholarship Program?

This scholarship provides financial, academic and wellbeing support to eligible undergraduate students who apply through our Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS), Access Melbourne.

Submit your SEAS application through VTAC by 5pm on 11 October 2024 to be automatically considered.

The name Narrm, which is the Woi-wurrung word for the Melbourne region meaning ‘place’, signifies our commitment to being a place where you feel safe and respected, where you can cultivate meaningful relationships, feel that you belong and participate fully in university life.

The program empowers you to thrive at Melbourne and beyond. Benefits include a yearly living allowance and tailored enrichment support throughout your degree.

You're eligible for the Narrm Scholarship Program if:

  • You come from a low socioeconomic background
  • You or your parent/guardian receive a means tested Commonwealth income support payment, or
  • You are of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

Narrm Scholars who come from a regional or remote area will also receive a one-off relocation allowance, and be eligible for a separate accommodation allowance. Students living in a regional or remote area who don't meet the above eligibility requirements will still be eligible for the Melbourne Relocation Scholarship.

Additional Narrm Scholarships are available to those who have experienced difficult circumstances or disability/medical conditions. These will be awarded based on the evidence you provide, as well as the impact the circumstances had on your education.

Narrm Scholar benefits

Living allowance

The cost of living can make it challenging to balance study with family and other extracurricular activities. To help you focus on your studies, you'll be given a living allowance of $6500 per year of undergraduate study (up to four years).

Pre-orientation camp

Before your studies begin, you'll be invited to a weekend stay with your fellow Narrm Scholars, where you can start building connections with your peers, familiarise yourself with the Parkville campus and feel more prepared for your studies.

Relocation allowance

To assist you in settling into your new home and getting to your classes, you could receive a one-off relocation allowance of $3000. To be eligible, you must reside in a regional or remote area of Australia.

Grow your academic skills

You'll have access to the University's suite of Academic Skills services, workshops and resources. Develop key communication and study skills to excel in your studies, including essay writing, academic referencing, preparing for exams and more.

Join a supportive community

Narrm Scholars hail from around Australia and all have unique stories to tell. Your diverse background and experiences will be celebrated at Melbourne, and you'll be encouraged to form close bonds and support each other throughout your studies.

Get a head start on your career

Participate in tailored opportunities and programs to enhance your employability and prepare for life after graduation. From learning how to build your professional network to crafting an impressive resume, you'll be well equipped for your next steps.

Accommodation allowance

Narrm Scholars from a regional or remote area who gain a place at participating University Accommodation (apartment-style) providers or residential colleges, will be eligible for a separate accommodation allowance, valued at up to $20,000 per year.

Find out more

Meet Crystal

“The living allowance takes away the burden of finances and helped me to get accommodation when I moved here. It's a relief knowing that I can focus entirely on achieving the grades that I expect of myself.”

Meet Thomas

“I feel very supported and if I ever need help, I have people to turn to. The program has given me so many amazing friends, and because of it I feel like the University of Melbourne is home.”

Meet Efraimia

"I've enhanced my ability to tackle assignments and manage class content more effectively. The program has equipped me with valuable life skills that benefit both my academic and personal growth.”

Are you eligible?

You'll be automatically considered for a Narrm Scholarship when you submit a Special Entry Access Scheme (SEAS) application and preference the University of Melbourne accordingly in VTAC. Starting in 2025? Submit your SEAS application by 11 October.

Narrm Scholarships will be guaranteed to all students who are eligible for Access Melbourne under these circumstances:

Access Melbourne circumstance Eligibility criteria SEAS category
Disadvantaged financial background

Meet at least one of the below criteria:​

  • You or your parent/guardian are in receipt of a means tested Commonwealth income support payment (Centrelink), such as Austudy, ABSTUDY, Youth Allowance, etc​
  • You reside in a low socioeconomic area (as defined by the Australian Bureau of Statistics).

Category 2: Disadvantaged financial background ​(or under SEAS Category 1: Personal information and location if you reside in a low socioeconomic area and have no other financial circumstances to declare).

Recognition as Indigenous Australian Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent, and you identify as an Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander person and are accepted as such by the community in which you have been living or are associated with.   Category 1: Personal information and location
Resident of a regional or remote area

If you’re eligible for one of the two categories above, and you’re from a regional or remote residential area (ie your residential address is located within a Statistical Areas Level 1 (SA1), an area that is not defined as a major city by the Australian Statistical Geography Standard), you’ll receive a Narrm Scholarship including a one-off relocation allowance.

If you live in a regional or remote area but are not eligible for a Narrm Scholarship, you’ll receive the Melbourne Relocation Scholarship.

You can use the Access Melbourne (SEAS) calculator to check your address and see if your location qualifies.

Category 1: Personal information and location

A limited number of Narrm Scholarships will be awarded to students who apply through Access Melbourne under these circumstances, based on evidence you provide, as well as the impact the cicumstances had on your education:

Access Melbourne circumstance Eligibility criteria SEAS category
Difficult circumstances

You’ve been prevented from reaching your full educational potential because of family or other life circumstances. Difficult circumstances can include, but are not limited to;​

  • Experiencing out of home care​
  • Long-term serious illness of a family member​
  • Natural disasters​
  • An unsafe or unstable home environment.

Category 4: Difficult circumstances

Disability or medical condition You experience a disability, impairment or medical condition that has affected your studies. You will be scored based on the evidence you provide, as well as the impact the circumstances have had on your education. Category 3: Disability or medical conditions

The Narrm Scholarship living allowance will be paid in half-yearly instalments of $3250 for the duration of your undergraduate study up to a maximum of four years. A further year will be paid for students who enrol in a Diploma in General Studies, a concurrent diploma or a bachelor degree with honours.

For more details, please see the University’s coursework scholarship terms and conditions.

All students enrolling at the University through Access Melbourne will be offered a suite of enrichment activities that tailor established University services to Access Melbourne students.

While some enrichment activities will be delivered within the curated Narrm Scholarship Program, other activities and services are designed to offer support to all Access Melbourne students, including those who receive the Melbourne Relocation Scholarship.

We offer more than 1200 scholarships for new and current students.

To browse all the available scholarships at the University of Melbourne, see