Graduate Coursework

Graduate Certificate in Digital Transformation of Health

  • Course code: GC-DTHLTH
1 year part time
Mode (Location)
Mixed Attendance Mode (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
AUD $16,560 (2024 indicative first year fee). Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) are not available
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Course overview


The Graduate Certificate in Digital Transformation of Health outlines contemporary approaches for aspiring leaders in the health sector to harness the power of healthcare data and build effective and sustainable digitally enabled models of care. This degree connects students with University of Melbourne’s global strengths in health and biomedical science, and in computer and information science.

Students complete two core subjects developed and taught by an interdisciplinary team of experts from the Centre for Digital Transformation of Health, with learning outcomes informed by the Australian Digital Health Agency’s National Digital Health Capability Action Plan and global trends in digital health education. The core subjects provide critical grounding in contemporary health informatics knowledge and practice; design, development, and evaluation of digital health initiatives; real-time interrogation of data; and implementation of knowledge gained in rapid quality improvement cycles. These subjects provide insights to drive improvements in patient outcomes and health system performance.

Varied elective subjects allow students to strengthen and complement existing skills and pursue interests aligned to preferred career pathways. Elective subject options include programming, leadership, innovation, evaluation, sustainability, and ethico-legal considerations in digital health.

This program is suitable for people with an interest in healthcare data and its use in improving systems and outcomes, including but not limited to:
* Clinical Health Professionals
* Public Health Professionals
* Epidemiologists
* Clinical and Health Service Researchers
* Data Analysts and Data Scientists
* Bioinformaticians
* Information Technologists
* Medical Technology Developers and Entrepreneurs
* Consumer Health Advocates
* Managers, Administrators and Policy Makers in the Health Sector.

Opportunities include:
* Hands-on work with patient datasets, tools for analytics and design, and introductions to machine learning and artificial intelligence in healthcare
* Networking with an interprofessional group of peers from the health workforce, biomedical research, information systems and information technology, and other fields
* Engaging with senior specialists in healthcare IT from public and private sector organisations
* Connecting with mentors among the nationally and globally recognised informatics experts who teach in our program.

This qualification may be used to support an application for education recognition in connection with memberships of health professional societies, such as the Australasian Institute of Digital Health. This qualification also caters to professionals interested in pursuing a clinical informatics fellowship.

The Graduate Certificate in Digital Transformation of Health can be a pathway to a University of Melbourne Master of Public Health (244CW), Master of Clinical Research (N01AA), or Master of Information Systems (MC-IS).

The Graduate Certificate in Digital Transformation of Health is offered for full-time or part-time study. It may be completed part-time over 1 or 2 years, starting in semester 1 or 2 each year, or it can be taken full-time over 6 months. Note: If you intend to complete within 6months, not all electives are available to you. If you plan to proceed to a Masters degree, electives must be chosen accordingly.