Graduate Coursework

Master of Business Administration

2 years full time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)

Your fees explained

Want more information about fees and payments?

Australian Fee Places

When you apply, you will automatically be considered for an Australian fee place if you meet course entry requirements.

You’ll pay tuition fees for each year that you are enrolled. Tuition fees are calculated according to your course and study load each semester. You may defer payment of your fees via the Australian Government’s FEE-HELP loan scheme if you are eligible.

If your course is relevant to your current employment, you may be able to claim fees as a work-related tax deduction.

Tuition fees may be adjusted each year.


FEE-HELP can cover all or part of your tuition fees. The Australian Government pays the amount of the loan direct to the University. You’ll make repayments through the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) whenever your income is above the threshold, or you can make voluntary repayments to the ATO at any time.

FEE-HELP is not means tested and there is no loan fee for graduate study. If you already have a HECS-HELP loan from your undergraduate studies, you can still access a FEE-HELP loan. No interest is charged on your FEE-HELP loan, however, it is indexed each year with the Consumer Price Index (CPI) in line with the cost of living.

The Government’s Study Assist website provides more information about FEE-HELP.

Other financial assistance

The University's Student Financial Aid Service can provide you with advice and information on student loans and bursaries/grants, cost of living, budgeting and tax advice.


Find a scholarship that's right for you

For all available Scholarships at Melbourne Business School Ltd, please visit Melbourne Business School's scholarship page